February 03, 2010

Riddle Creek/Quillian Creek/Arnold Motorway Trip Report

We left Montgomery around 7AM Friday morning and arrived at the bend of the road at the Riddle Creek Drainage around 11:30.

We started out by following the plastic ribbons leading down to the drainage. Once we reached the drainage we followed it down to the Riddle/ Quillian intersection.

Riddle Creek was a georgous trail as well as fun. There were several waterfalls followed by a question "How do we get to the bottom?"

Once we got to the intersection of Riddle/Quillian we followed it down to the camp site, thanks to Pully for the coordinates and Elbowman for the GPS route. We immediately gathered fire wood and set up camp for the cool night. Paul happened tp have the ol' magnesium and flint to start the fire. We were in bed by around 8.

We woke up pretty early and finished hiking the rest of the Quillian area and arrived back at the car around 12.

Once at the car we decided to hit up the Gutheries that was 10 miles from the car according to the GPS. We arrived at the GPS's location for Gutheries and all we found was Burger King, oh well. After Burger King we proceeded to the Borden Creek trail head to hike trail 200 to Fall Creek Falls. Once on the trial Greg began to not feel very well so we headed back to the trail head just in case we needed to head back to Montgomery, but luckily he was able to make it threw the night. The next morning we woke up and drove to the Sipsey picnic area and followed trail to Fall Creek Falls for lunch then proceeded back home. Over all it was a great trip and I would recommend everyone to see the Quillian area it is awesome!


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